Naturally occuring drugs.
epinephrine... naturally occuring compound from tyrosine (synthetic pun ade gak)
norepinephrine...chemical mediator liberated by mammalian postganglionic symphathetic nerves
dophamine... occurs naturally in basal ganglia (regulation of movement) and andrenal medulla...metabolic precursor of norepihephrine and epinephrine
yohimbine...from Pausinystalia yohimbe. An alkaloid with stimulant. An alpha-2 antagonist. Can be used to treat erectile dysfunction.
atropine...from atropa belladona. Also derives from alkaloid...
cocaine...from the leaves of coca plant. Also from alkaloid group.
strychnine...from the seed of strychnine tree.
digoxin...from foxglove plant, digitalis lanata. useful foe treatment of heart conditions- atrial fibrillation and heart failure.
Many drug that occurs naturally can be found from alkaloid group... Thus, a new question arise :
"Ilmu ni, biar ingat sampai mati. Jadikan 'Gagal jawab dalam kuiz tempohari' satu lonjakan sumber tarbiyah bahawa ilmu bukan semata-mata untuk kuiz. Jadi, jika suatu hari nanti,si cucu akan bertanya...
"Ape contoh naturally occuring drug..?"
Dan kau boleh jawab sambil tersengih sambil menampakkan gigi palsu....
"atropine, yohimbine, cocaine, epihephrine, dopamine, norepinephrine!"
"Wow... nenekku.." balas si cucu dengan bersinar matanya.. tanda gembira =D "...
references : wikipedia n lecture note
Bilik kasih sayang,
Talhah 3.
teringat soalan quiz ni x bleh jwb.=(.papepun time kasih atas perkongsian