
اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى ال سيدنا محمد
  • suatu lakonan sementara

    waktu itu sentiasa dekat

  • Mencari jalan pulang

    "Wahai orang2 beriman, jagalah dirimu; kerana orang yang sesat itu tidak akan membahayakan dirimu apabila kamu telah mendapat petunjuk" (al-Maidah: 105)

  • Sabar

    (3 : 200 ) Sabar dan kuatkan kesabaranmu, dan bersiap siagalah

  • Jangan engkau marah

    La taghdob, be the strongest person on earth

  • Harta tak akan di bawa mati

    Sok sok Mungkar Nakir soal dalam kubur

Di sebalik Qaf dan WaQaf

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Entah kali keberapa makhrajku dibetulkan,

"Haaaqqqaf. Bukan Haaaqqak."

Aku cuba, berhenti. Batuk. Dapatkan air, sambung semula.

"Ha, ok dah. teruskan."

Seketika dulu,
"Arrrrohmaanirrahim... masuk terus. jangan lambat2."
"Lidah awak ade masalah ke?" Garang ustaz. Tegas.
"Tak tahulah," jawabku sambil mendapat simpati, meneruskan percubaan yang sekian kalinya

Seketika dulu lagi,
Teringat Nabil dan Muhammad di rumah, ketika aku menyemak bacaan mereka,
"Kho! Khhhhooo! bukan Ko. bunyi dari kerongkong." ujarku.

"Kho! Kho! Kho! Kho! Kho! Kho!" Bersungguh Nabil keluarkan bunyi dari korongkong.
Macam singa katanya.
Sekarang ni, kalau membaca doa belajar, pasti mereka berhati2. Menjelingku takut2 tersalah.
Mereka dah diberitahu, Allahummaftah, bukan yang selalu diamalkan oleh pelat lidah Allahummaftaf!

Cara aku tak setanding langsung dengan cara2 ustaz/ah yang tegas dan garang. Seorang ustazku sebelum ini,wajib anaknya menangis sekiranya ustaz itu yang mengajar. Thrill, kecut perut aku mendengar. Namun begitulah, kalau dididik selembut angin, hasilnya turut lembut...malahan boleh jadi lembik. Dididik dengan tegas, hasilnya insyaAllah kemas.

Ok, bukan itu topik perbincangan. Qaf dan WaQaf. Setelah berkali-kali diasak dengan Qaf, aku mengulang2 kalimah yang dibetulkan tadi. Qaaf. Quf. Maknanya berhenti.

WaQaf, berhenti juga.

Hidup ini perlu ada waqaf.

Sekiranya aku hilang sabar dan tergesa-gesa habiskan bacaan, sudah tentu aku tak mengenali qaf itu. Qaf yang mengajar aku sabar, melembutkan lindah mengelokkan makhraj. Kenapa perlu ada qaf dalam hidup? Kerana waqaf itu mengajar kita bersabar. Berhenti sejenak.

Macam2 rintangan, ujian, kesibukan (how sibuk is sibuk??) kadangkala mungkin menyebabkan hidup dan diri kita tertekan. Tertekan, lalu hilang sabar, kemudian bermulalah episod syaitan2 mempengaruhi keputusan dan emosi. Segala tindak tanduk yang difikirkan boleh jadi negatif dan berniat jahat. Merugikan diri.

Contoh mikro; Berasa rimas dengan pemakaian tudung. Tak sempat bersabar, syaitan mencucuk, menutup aurat itu menyusahkan. Langsung, tudung dicabut, lengan dan aurat lainnya terdedah. Lebih banyak mata2 ajnabi yang memandang, lebih banyak dosa, lebih banyak syaitan gembira. Akibat tiada sabar dan waqaf.

Contoh lain super - mikro; Berasa kelam kabut dengan kerja yang banyak, Iman yang tak sempat tertopup, buku yang tak sempat dibaca, assigment yang tak pernah putus, tapi sentiasa double up. Tertekan, tidak memberi ruang untuk kita waqaf dan refleksi, akhirnya menyerah. Menyerah untuk give up, tak sanggup dah nak siapkan assigment, sebab banyakkk sangat, sakit kepala dibuatnya.

Dan macam2 lagi contoh yang kita boleh kaitkan dengan kehidupan kita.

Betapa besarnya pahala dan kelebihan2 mereka yang bersabar spt yang disebutkan di dalam hadis dan al Quran. Dengan sabar, kita mempunyai masa untuk menyerap aura positif, untuk counter back segala idea-idea negatif sebentar tadi. Aura iman. Kita mempunyai masa bertafakur sejenak merenungkan hakikat kita yang penuh unik, penuh asrar sbg ciptaan Ilah. Kita akan cuba menghargai bahawa kita adalah insan yang cukup terbaik, kerana masih dipinjamkan akal dan sebagainya untuk menikmati suatu kehidupan yang maha indah. Dan, kita akan sedar, kejayaan dan kebahagiaan itu milik kita semua, seandainya kita itqaan berusaha.

Dan berlalulah episod sedih, tertekan, dan negatif yang mengcengkam diri...

Allah berfirman : "Mintalah pertolongan Allah dengan sabar dan solat. Dan sesungguhnya yang demikian itu sungguh berat, kecuali bagi orang-orang yang khusyu', (yaitu) orang-orang yang meyakini, bahwa mereka akan menemui Tuhannya, dan bahwa mereka akan kembali kepada-Nya " (Al-Baqarah 2:45-46)

فصبرن جميل واللهِ المستعان... (Yusuf)

"Wahai orang yang beriman! Bersabarlah kamu (menghadapi segala kesukaran dalam mengerjakan perkara-perkara yang berkebajikan), dan kuatkanlah kesabaran kamu (lebih daripada kesabaran musuh, di medan perjuangan), dan bersedialah (dengan kekuatan pertahanan di daerah-daerah sempadan) serta bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah, supaya kamu berjaya (mencapai kemenangan)."( Ali Imraan :200)

"Dan tidaklah sama kebaikan dan kejahatan. Tolaklah (kejahatan itu) dengan cara yang lebih baik, maka tiba-tiba orang yang antaramu dan antara dia ada permusuhan seolah-olah telah menjadi teman yang sangat setia.

Sifat-sifat yang baik itu tidak dianugerahkan melainkan kepada orang-orang yang sabar dan tidak dianugerahkan melainkan kepada orang-orang yang mempunyai keuntungan yang besar."

(Fushilat : 34-35)

Sekuatnya dugaan yang kita terima, kuat lagi dugaan orang terdahulu.
Setahap mana pun kita, tak akan terbanding dengan orang2 terdahulu.

...renung2kan dan selamat beramal buat diri. Tiadalah kekuatan melainkan dengan Allah dan cara2 yang mendekatinya. Semoga jumpa "sesuatu yang telah hilang" melalui solat yg khusyuk, mengaji, dan ibadah umum seharian. BarakAllah...

Aqidah yg sejahtera, Ibadah yang sahih, dan Akhlak yang mulia.

Juga turut berteima kasih kepada seorang sahabat yang berjaya menekan butang waqaf @pause 1 jam 15 minit petang tadi akibat kecuaian disipilin seorang hamba Allah... semoga lepas ni dia akan menjadi lebih baik, doakan...

selesai kelas quran ke 3,
nurul idris,
talhah 3
indera mahkota,
ijtima' hari pertama.


Saturday, October 29, 2011

share dari seorang sahabat FB- CBA

Ya Aziz..........

Jika Cinta Adalah Ketertawanan

Tawanlah Aku Dengan Cinta Kepada-Mu

Agar Tidak Ada Lagi Yang Dapat

Menawanku Selain Engkau

Ya Rohim..........

Jika Cinta Adalah Pengorbanan

Tumbuhkan Niat Dari Semua Pengorbananku

Semata-mata Tulus Untuk-Mu

Agar Aku Ikhlas Menerima Apapun Keputusan-Mu

Ya Robbii..........

Jika Rindu Adalah Rasa Sakit

Yang Tidak Menemukan Muaranya

Penuhilah Rasa Sakitku

Dengan Rindu Kepada-Mu

Dan Jadikan Kematianku Sebagai

Muara Pertemuanku Dengan-Mu

Ya Robbii..........

Jika Sayang Adalah Sesuatu Yang Mempesona

Ikatlah Aku Dengan Pesona-Mu

Agar Damai Senantiasa Kurasakan

Saat Terucap Syukurku Atas Nikmat Dari-Mu

Ya Allah..........

Jika Kasih Adalah Kebahagiaan

Yang Tiada Bertepi

Tumbuhkan Kebahagiaan Dalam Hidupku

Di saat Kupersembahkan Sesuatu Untuk-Mu

Ya Allah..........

Hatiku Hanya Cukup Untuk Satu Cinta

Jika Aku Tak Dapat Mengisinya Dengan Cinta Kepada-Mu

Kemanakah Wajahku Hendak Kusembunyikan Dari-Mu

Ya Ar-Rahman.........

Dunia Yg Engkau Bentangkan Begitu Luas

Bagai Belantara Yg Tak Dapat Kutembus

Di Malam Yang Gelap Gulita

Agar Tidak Tersesat Dalam Menapakinya

Ya Ar-Rahhim…….

Berikan Alas Kaki Buat Hamba Agar Jalan Yg Kutapaki Terasa Nikmat

Meski Penuh Dengan Bebatuan Runcing & Duri Yang Tajam

Hamba Sadar Semua Ini Milikmu Dan Suatu Saat

Jika Kau Kehendaki Semuanya Akan Kembali Jua Kepada-Mu Hamba pasrahkan kehidupan hamba kepada-Mu.

reasons blood pressure is high in the morning

Monday, October 17, 2011


Mayo Clinic physicians found that those patients who included caffeine and tobacco in their daily intake would have an increased risk of having high blood pressure readings in the morning, within two hours of awakening. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, soda, chocolate and some medications used to treat migraine headaches. Tobacco use includes chewing tobacco and pipe smoke.


The National Heart Lung and Blood Institute lists cold medications, hormone replacement, birth control and asthma medications as products that commonly cause an overall rise in blood pressure, resulting in higher-than-normal readings in the morning hours. When an individual starts with high blood pressure, the overall rise can be even greater. Mayo Clinic doctors also list blood pressure medications, which do not work for the entire 24 hours, as a cause of an early morning spike in blood pressure readings.

Lifestyle Choices

Mayo Clinic physicians counsel their patients that night shift work and excess stress can also change the circadian rhythm of blood pressure readings, making them higher in the early morning hours. Individuals who work the night shift, eat during the night hours and get less sleep in the daytime hours, contributing to the morning rise in blood pressure. Stress causes an overall increase in blood pressure, but will be responsible for an early morning peak when stress reduces the amount of sleep at night and individuals remain anxious through the night hours.


Elite athletes are at an increased risk of developing early rises in blood pressure when they cross the line from training to overtraining. In his article for YSI Limited, a UK company specializing in sensory technology, Dr. Robson advises that overtrained athletes exhibit increased blood pressure morning readings, elevated heart rate, decreased appetite, lethargy, depression and loss of motivation. Elevated morning blood pressure caused by overtraining can be resolved when the athlete takes a much needed rest.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/161676-reasons-blood-pressure-is-higher-in-the-morning/#ixzz1azkhoL2z


The lost idealism of Malaysian universities - Malaysia Kini

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I read recently that none of our public universities made it nowhere near the 400 listing of the best universities in the world by the Times ranking system. Surprise. Surprise. Surprise.

I am writing this article in order to show that public universities of Malaysia have lost all sense of responsibility in nation development and are simply ‘ranking crazy'.

When I joined UTM, almost 25 years ago, all I wanted to do was simply to research about Islamic and Malaysian architecture and use that knowledge to develop a more meaningful architecture for our communities in this country and contribute to the intellectual development of the discourse and thinking of Islamic Architecture for those of my own faith.

I promised myself to write many books, many academic papers, many mass media articles and use the electronic media to disseminate as much knowledge as possible.

I also promised myself that I must train at least 20 PhD scholars who would develop the two academic fields and set up a few centres on Islamic architecture, mosque and community development, better housing and community architecture. That was it.

Never in my entire career had I sought to be ‘world class' or drive myself to be ‘an internationally recognised figure' or to help UTM become the top 10 ranked in the world. Never.

Why? Simply because I thought architectural knowledge was supposed to help us live in a more meaningful and sustainable environment.

I also wanted to develop many teaching aids like videos and webportals that would make learning a pleasure not only to students but also to the public who would help influence political policies that could change building by-laws or design guidelines of mosques, housing, schools, community buildings and many others.

I thought that an academic's job is to ultimately help society understand the important issues of his or her particular field of expertise.

Not to strive for million ringgit grants. Not to strive for a Geneva Award. Not to be photographed smilingly with the prime minister.

If I ever stumbled upon this three accolades, well and fine, but I would not spend sleepless nights thinking how to be a ‘superstar'.

What has happened to the universities now? The vice chancellors care none about nation development but simply to introduce management policies that would ‘leapfrog' our institutions into a world class ranking system.

How do they do that? Well, first of all by insisting all promotions be tied directly to the production of internationally acclaimed journals with scopus or ISI indexed publications. I hear that many of these journals require large payments from the contributors.

Next, the university management hires many foreigners who they think can publish more papers than our academics. There is not much place for ‘community and social contribution' but papers and papers and research grants and more grants.

It is a mad rat race and a crazy dash for recognition. Recognition, world class, rankings are the buzz words of academia nowadays.

What is the result of this new approach to university management? Not many want to write text books for students.

Virtually no one wants to write popular articles or books to explain the implications of their knowledge to society.

Every academic would treat their post graduate students as a paper churning individual to add to their multiple authored journal papers.

The supervisors of PhD and masters no longer care about nurturing a budding scholar but treat them as slaves to organise seminars, write papers, chase data and treat them like lab technicians.

What of the young scholars and academics? Upon receiving their PhD's they would stare in complete despair at the loads of KPI's that keeps them on the move without a pause of philosophic reflection. So what do these young scholars do?

Five of them would sign a pact that if any one of them or any one of their post-grad students publishes a journal paper, all must make sure that their names would appear on all the papers.

In this way, the young scholars would fill up their CV's with many papers, 75% of which has nothing much to do with their areas of expertise.

Another disaster comes with the paper laden KPI's. The undergraduate students are left to fend for themselves when their lecturers are busy fishing for grants, travelling the globe to present international papers and organising seminars, writing papers or walking up and down ministers' offices to gain favours.

It used to be that research was conducted and centres set up to spearhead development in academic areas that would help our people first and foremost.

But now I have seen centres and book dedications on issues related to the prime minister. I heard tell of a public university giving vast amount of money for the Islamic Hadhari of a former PM.

Recently research was established and a seminar was mooted on Bugis architecture simply because an important political personality in the government of the day has Bugis ancestry!

VCs' are playing public relations works in order to attract grants and endowments and much time and effort at the university is spent on PR.

Where is the integrity of the academic, the scholar? Where is his ‘philosophic and moral distance' from those in authority?

If academics and scholars are so beholden to the powers that be, who would tell the people of a nation that such and such a thing needs to be changed?

There is always the fear of not being promoted for stepping on the feet of the powers that be.

Even the National Council of Professors seems to be a timid and curry favouring entity that brings utter shame to the idealism of a moralistic academia.

The professors are supposed to be the conscience of knowledge for the betterment of the people en masse but they too seek favours, titles, projects and grants.

I enjoy more talking about the state of the country to taxi drivers than I do with university administrators and so called academics.

To my mind, the universities should stop looking to the ranking system and for goodness sake, stop competing for the Research University status or the Apec status.

The government should just do away with this ridiculous and childish race and concentrate on awarding grants and privileges to those scholars, faculties or institutions that would serve our people first and last.

If by some stroke of luck we can contribute to the world in some manner, well and fine but do not place local scholars dealing with local issues and writing for local journals or publishing local books at a shameful distance! We must be Malaysia first, and the world second.

Why in heaven's name should we be looking to the world first when we have massive problems in our own back yard?

If we concentrate all our academic resources to help our students, to help our teachers in schools teach our children, to help our peoples understand many economic, ecological, religious and other issues, then I say we have made a great contribution already.

If some Time ranking system wants to acknowledge us in their game of ‘excellence in academia' well and fine but if we fail to meet their standard, So what!

Now what do we have? We are not ranked even in the first 400. The people of Malaysia do not even know what the heck our universities contribute except teach our students to get jobs. We have a group of frustrated and stressed local academics.

Those academics who speak and write in Bahasa Malaysia only, feel totally sidelined. Local journals are on the wane. Not many want to write books for Dewan Bahasa Pustaka or the University Press.

Our undergraduates are not of leadership material as they are treated not as adults or potential leaders but school children by the paper chasing academia. Apa dah jadi? Apa lagi nak jadi?

The game of counting scholarly citation to reflect academic prowess is also a funny one. Some academics spent much of their time counting and monitoring their scholarly citations and also urging other academics to cite his or her works.

The sad part of it all is that there is academic management who rely much on citations for promotion.

I myself do not even bother to learn or look up how many scholars have cited my work. I find great pleasure to discover an Australian school head teacher sharing my article on national architecture with her staff and students.

I was pleased that the Bar Council uploaded my crime article which was published in the Starnewspaper. I was extremely proud one day when my article about non-Muslims and mosques was found on Dato' Lim Kit Siang's blog and also that the Christian Heraldnewspaper shared my article about the Azan issue with their members.

Now those are citations that can forge a nation together. Of course there are academics who belittle my work and say that the writings are of low academic merit since it is not reviewed by academic peers.

To these academics I only say that I did not join academia to make myself part of an elitist membership speaking only to peers but I joined the university to actually ‘do something' about the state of our people and country.

So this is what I want the government and the universities to do. First, get rid of this research university nonsense and just give the 50 million ringgit to all the universities to nurture their young scholars.

Better to spend the money on the next generation of academics than build more 300 million ringgit mosques or a few warisan towers or even relandscaping Putrajaya every National Day.
Get rid also this bad business of Apex Universities that see public universities vying with each other in the race for publications and grants.

Public universities in Malaysia were once one large family but now they are bickering to keep and not share their talents.

When UKM requested my services for a two year secondment to develop research in Islamic Culture and Architecture, UTM flatly refused without even discussing the offer with me. Such is the state of arrogance and totalitarianism as well as pure ‘stinginess' in a veteran institution.

The First Wave of academia was about establishing an academic foothold and producing graduates to fill the industry.

We are now in the Second Wave where we must establish new research grounds, produce graduates that are not just workers but leaders, and prepare the young scholars in post-graduate studies to tackle the Third Wave which is innovation and entrepreneurship as well as beginning to take on the west foothold by foothold.

In this slower but surer way the Fourth and Fifth Wave will ensure that we can stare the west point blank in the eye and wait for them to blink first.

Civilization and creativity cannot be rushed and hurried even if one pours in trillions of ringgit. Nurturing the new scholars is the key.

We, the veteran academics, must ensure that we give tasks that we can carry if we were as young as they are and not simply to cut and paste orders for promotion.

Money must be prioritised to the many young scholars and not to the veteran few.

Great love and respect must be shown to them whilst a manageable reward system be formulated to give proper encouragement.

Finally, the most important lesson of all is to teach the young that theirs is a responsibility of nation development for their people first and foremost and to mankind ultimately.

Theirs is not a career of self aggrandisement and elitist groupings but a purely moral and spiritual one.

link :

http://www.malaysiakini.com/letters/178248 malaysiakini letters

Saturday, October 15, 2011
lingering around thinking how to become masyi, i was reflecting about some things-female and male. how they have too much differences between each other, and how Allah make these two types of human being is complementary.

Female and male have a huge differences. male are not supposed see female as a gadget- giving a lot technical work to do, without mind to coach them what they have.

no wonder john gray can write a book so called men from mars women from venus.

start to missed kaabah, mecca, and madinah. i missed the feeling of ease and the peacefulness. Bumi baraka.