
اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى ال سيدنا محمد
  • suatu lakonan sementara

    waktu itu sentiasa dekat

  • Mencari jalan pulang

    "Wahai orang2 beriman, jagalah dirimu; kerana orang yang sesat itu tidak akan membahayakan dirimu apabila kamu telah mendapat petunjuk" (al-Maidah: 105)

  • Sabar

    (3 : 200 ) Sabar dan kuatkan kesabaranmu, dan bersiap siagalah

  • Jangan engkau marah

    La taghdob, be the strongest person on earth

  • Harta tak akan di bawa mati

    Sok sok Mungkar Nakir soal dalam kubur

crite best + crite kurang best [cOlours of LiFe]

Friday, November 16, 2007
yg best.. alhamdulillah..
1. isnin, normal day. oh ya, forgot already, syamimi's n kak adila che rameli's birthday ~ syamimi is my good friend during primary school meanwhile the brilliant kak dila is my bedmate during 2005.
2. selasa, abnormal day. extragavanza 4 me. hehe.. 13 nov 1989 is my birthday. d day i was going to 18. a big girl already. ayh bawak kitorg makan2 kt tg lumpur.. hehehe..but abamir refused to join, got somewhat headache or stomach ache he told.(or maybe only an excuse 4 him to watch tv) meanwhile, dad's car also dont have enough space for him.hihi. (x.X)
3. -rabu, atikah dawam's 18 burfday. hihi. my junior one day.
- rabu juga,my dad and i were having mi calong for breakfast! weeeeeeeee~ after my motorcycle test was cancelled..
4. khamis, i've passed my second motorcycle test, praised to Allah.
5. - jumaat, i've passed my second car tet, praised to Allah. alhamdulillah 4 getting a sporting and considerable jpj tester, and 4 getting the courage and confident to drive.
-jumaat also, my roomie's burfday, siti nur aisyah. happy today aisyah!! hehehe.. she's a nice person and indeed have many short stories to share. We,(azwar,liyana, and I) were pleaaasseeed to lend our here everyday we came back from our holidae. hihi. also not forgotten, amal's birthday, hamdanian in my former school.
6. my bestie friend at SHAH, adibah will visit me here... she is in her way from perlis to rompin, pahang and decided to stop at kuantan, tomorrow. can't wait 4 tomorrooooooow!
7. 19th, next monday, zarifah's becoming burfday. she's now craving to see yunho oppa, dbsk or officially known as tvxq at tvxq concert soon on 24 nov( is this date is tru,efa? hOh0) and, on 20th, his birthday, my long-dont-talk-to friend... heeeheeeheee
8. lastly, i realised that, i don't have to step anymore at PMC! muahahahahahahaha. leave d PMC as soon as possible is my target during the 3rd week of my holiday.hehehehe
9. gosh, already forgot this! (this will happened if u have too much to tell). I am so happy that finally i've found my recent car test card that flew in d air when i was riding motorcycle just now. i just lazy to stop my bike and just watch the card flew awayyyy~ (hehe, mentang2 la br pass exam). at last, after cikgu azmi said that d card was very important, i returned back to the road, and finally, the card were taken by a student who was orphan.( i know she is orphan because she was heading to orphanage). there were 4 of them. thank yoU soo0oO much adik2!

yg kurang best...
1. use my scholar money to pay for d vehicles retest. nearly rm300.. and the sum of all the payment is about rm 1800. nearly rm 2k.. fuiyoo0oo.. (fuyo2 sgtlah.. mcm air je.. org laen x **test pn, tp awk ye..)
2. terpaksa tunggu en boss sek mandu yg slalu lmbt dtg pmc.. penantian itu sungguh suatu penyeksaan.. cewahh.. haha..menguji kesabaran sungguh..
3. sew nenek's baju kurung not in correctly order. terkecik! even my grandma's is smaller than me, but i think d aju kurung is still small for her! and if i guess she will insist not to wear the baju kurung.. mom says.." ya Allah! kecik2! nenek awk mane pakai kecik2 ni.." heehee.. at d other hand, when she see d shining baju kurung at d first sight, she said, "waaaahh..cantiknye bju nenek.. berkilau2.." smbil tergelak2 kecil.
4. motorcycle test has to be postponed on wednesday. the enthusiasm to take the test that day was fleeting.
5. emm.. i can't think the next. okay..stopped here then .

minggu yg penuh bermakna....

Friday, November 16, 2007
masuk minggu ni dah minggu ke3 aq menghabiskan cuti... minggu depan dah pn start sem2... sekejap je cuti..(spt ayat yg biase didengar) aq pn xtau aq dah wat ape... cume.. dlm minggu yg last nih.. aq rse byk btul perkara berlaku.. dan waktu cuti ni gak, antara cuti yang palingggggggggg banyak duet aq abes...(isk3) tapi ble teringat kate ayah yg bbunyi, " kaloa de duet tuu..jangan simpan2.. g blanjee nuu".. rse cam lega sket.. heee heee heee...

bermulalah alkisah.. waktu cuti nih aq ade 3 misi :
pertama, nak ajar abdul halim yang nak amik spm
kedua, nak abeskan lesen mandu yang tertangguh disbbkan knd*
ketiga, nak abeskan jahit baju nenek yang x disimpan sbg pekasam selama 3 bln(naseb baek nenek ade baju raye lain, so, baju ni boleh wat baju raye yg akn dtg,he3)

okay..aq start trus dr minggu nih la...(12.11 hingga 18.11) yg penuh insiden2 yg bermakna wat diri aq yg hina...
hari khamis lepas, pas setel bayar bayaran utk **test keta n moto, aq pn decide nak retest minggu depan... tup2, hari isnin aq br bitau sek mandu aq yg aq na **test moto hari rabu, then keta lak hari jumaat.after masalah teknikal, **test aq terpakse ditangguhkan kepada hari khamis. tape2..utk dipendekkan crite..aq listkan mende2 yg aq pk bermakna..wat diri aq..

####..................kisah2 na **teSt ...............
1. muke aq slalu sgt ade kt trek moto pmc tuh sampai kakak moto tu slalu jadikan aq 'role model' yang x perlu dicontohi untuk student2 lain. femes sungguh... sbb kenape aq x perlu dicontohi tuh perlu dirahsiakan. dlm minggu nih, aqlah student yg paling special skali, sbb lepas bwk moto tu, aq trus lompatkan moto tu ke bhgn 3 tanpa melalui bhgn 2. heee heee.

2. **test moto aq sepatutnya hari rabu, walaupun peluang aq **test hari tu 50-50 sbb aq maklumkan hari isnin, iaitu satu tempoh yang lambat. so, dgn semangat berkobar2nye pg rabu tuh, aq g berlatih and tunggu en rabu(bukan name sebenar) utk terus test. akhirnya, harapan aq na test hari tu sia2 je sbb name aq xde dalam rekod. dgn bengang tp lagak2 cool, aq pn duduk kat pondok telefon dekat2 pintu keluar pmc. ( panas punggung aq nak duduk diam2 kat situ.. dtambah sedikit panas hati,so, aq duduk dkat2 dgn pntu keluar) setelah terserempak dgn cikgu azmi, aq n beredar cepat2 membawa diri. (bajet2 na lari diri la tu) aq pn jalan kaki nano2 tak tau arah tujuan smbil menunggu ayah jemput. syukur alhamdulillah, ade pn satu warung depan pmc tuh utk aq berteduh dr panas. seraya je ayah aq sampai, aq terus mengajaknye pekena mi calong warung pak mat berserah yg terkenal dgn keenakan mi calong nyaaa... heee heee.. rsa panas hati dah dpt dikurangkan, lg2 ayh x hairan dan komen pjg2 nape aq x test hari tu..lega, x yah jawab, x yah pk, alhamdulillah.. (kalo pk balik aq akan lebih tangen)

3. hari khamis..... syukur alhamdulillah, hari ni cikgu azmi yg pegang testcard aq, bukan cik rabu yg slalu lupa akn ketepatan masa. cikgu azmi dah dtg awal kt pmc, awal lg dr aq. dlm kul 9.15 aq sampai, amik moto then wat latihan kt trek. syukur lg skali cikgu2 kat stu x hairan pn nape muke aq ade lg, sbb diorg thu aq na test smalam spttnya. (mujoo akak yg suke 'femeskan' aq tu x detg kje haritu) heee heee. so, slps urusan daftar2 selesai, aq dpt no giliran 10. then, ble naik atas, pretending to be cool, but i cant. bile jpj da amik tmpt, no 10 dipanggil 1st skali. (aaaaaahhhh, utk kali ke 3 aq org 1st yg test). kali ini, aq amik moto yg laen dr dlu, aq test dlu siap2, lampu signal, gear satu persatu.( sbb moto b4 ni yg aq dpt, lampu signal die x clear sgt)
tup2.. test mmg nvous even b4 tu kte dah wat ok.. tup2, alhamdulillah, lulus dgn mkah min.. "awk ketar2 lg ni..sy nak kasi kandas pn bole lg.." ckp 'uncle' jpj tu. huhu.. tQ pakcik~! tgk jam, br kul 10. ble aw trun bwh, molek jeee aq nmpak en rabu.(aq rse die br sampai kot) then, aq tggu selame beberape jam utk blaja keta ngan cikgu azmi.. lme btul.. tyme tu, borak2 ngan kakak lisa.. seb baek bwk bekal air... leh jd pembasah tekak kering. pas latihan ngan cikgu, die ckp aq o.k. j bwk.... then, ble baril umah, trus terlentang smpai petang..... ble kakyi balik, aq mintak tlg die tgk aq bwk kta ag.. heee heee... tQ kakyi!

4. jumaat, aq smpai pmc sblm 9.30 pg. org len semua tgh sibuk2 ngan urusan memasing. agen sek mandu sibuk uruskan anak2 buahnyerr... jpj sibuk makan2 pg, peserta2 cm aq ikut ape yg agen diorg suruh wat.. ade yg len sibuk bwk moto.. aq? aq wat pe lak..? aq pn duduk temenung kt depan pntu mauk kaunter tuh tggu mane aaaa en rabu ni x smpai2 lg.. smbil tingat pesan ayah suh bace doa2 ket.. bile suasane lengang, jpj pn dah nek ats utk hakimi org lain test.. aq pn dukduk lg..x beragnjak kt tmpt same.. (aish, taleh jd nih..so aq tepon ckgu then die suh tggu en rabu..) ble en rabu dtg... die uruskan sket2, then die suruh saya ngan sorg brother tu g tggu kt kaunter jPj.. muke aq dah berkerut2 dah.. tp ble ckp ngan en rabu tu.. aq try senyum die.. sbb die tu suke senyum.. die ade gak ajak aq minum2 same ngan die..tp aq tolak. (peh, time tu mmg sedikit panas hati lg skali).. lame2..ade sorg jpj turun dr atas..then, die ade tny aq, nape lambat??? then aq jawab.."sek mandu saya lambatt......" ok..tunggu2.. lame2 giliran aq dipanggill..n aq sgt2 bersyukur, dpt tester yg baek hati + sporting.. aq rse ni tester aq moto smalam tu.. die act as cikgu ble aq memandu.. ingtkan aq tkan signal, berhenti, tukar gear, dll)..
alhamdulillah..bersyuuukur sgt.... n as d result, aq lepas..lulus.. alhamdulillah... test card yg aq kandas tu, aq pegang, then bw balik same2... tgh2 jalan dpn umah ank yatim..ketas tu tetibe tbangggg...(tu tndanya aq bwk lju sgt kot...huhuhu).. aq x peduli pn ketas tuh, x rse nak berhenti.. then ble balik umah.. cikgu tepon, suh anta balik ketas tuh.. then..aq g naik motmo g cari smula.. mule2...memang x nmpak kelibat lgsg... at last... praise 2 Allah(alhamdulillahhH) ade 4 org dak skolah tgh2 jalan na balik umah..(umah diorg ialah umah ank2 yatim..) ade sorg yg tgh belek2 kertas biru..then aq terkaku jap smbl tenung ktas tu.. (diorg still bjalan ke arah aq..) tetibe, aq menghulurkan tgn tnda nak tgk ktas tuh.. ooooohhhh, alhamdulillahhh!! tu la ketas yg aq cr.. aq ucapkan.." ummm....ni keertas yg akk cari... ummmpppp...terimaaa kasiiiihhhh koraaannnggg!! awk jumpe kat ne ni..?" ade sorang tu jawab," kat depan tu.." "emm...tq2!!!! korang sume ni duduk cni ke..?"tanyaku smbil tnjuk kt rumah ank2 yatim tu.. diorg menganngukl. "ok...tQ yer..blaja rerajin yer..." (huhu, smpat lg aq suh dak2 tu blaja rerajin..) alhamdulillahhhh, ktas yg dicari dah djumpai.. aq kembali kt moto yg aq letak depan bus stand.. budak2 skolah yg duduk kt bus stand tuh tgkk je aq.. (aq rse diorg mcm tgh tgk satu sandiwara agaknye)..huuuuu.... dgn prasaan gembira, aq terus belok masuk jalan depan skolah teknik n seblah sek. alor akar... alhamdulillahhhhhhh......

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm..pnjgnye cite pasal amdu aq nih... aq sgt sgt sgt bersyukur sbb sbarang kesulitan ade kemudahan utk aq.. ALHAMDULILLAH...... Allah mmg tlg hamba2-Nya....

ble aq tercicir kertas mandu tuh.. ade yg ckp.."aiz, suke wat keje 2 kali ko nih" "asal laa x amik..".. then dlm hati aq terdetik.." mcm2 aq wat hal.." uuuhuuu..but after all, praised to Allah d almighty that everything was finished n safe......... alhamdulillah, test 2-2 pn da lulus.... dan kpd pembace... crite ni mmg pnjg dan meleret.., u can skipped it if want to and i wrote tis story here exactly for me.... ok, till here then, wassalam..

doa penyatuan hati..itulah rabithah..

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Makna Doa Rabithah

Written by Abi Abiyyu
Wednesday, 22 March 2006

Ya Allah, …
Sesungguhnya Engkau mengetahui bahwa hati-hati ini
telah berkumpul karena kecintan kami kepada-Mu
Bertemu untuk mematuhi perintah-Mu
Bersatu memikul beban da'wah-Mu
Hati-hati ini telah mengikat janji setia untuk komitmen
dalam menjalankan syariat-Mu
maka eratkanlah ikatannya.

Ya Allah…,
Kekalkanlah kemesraannya antara hati-hati ini
Tunjukilah kepada hati-hati ini akan jalan-Nya
(yang sebenarnya).
Penuhilah hati-hati ini
Dengan cahaya rabbani-Mu yang tidak kunjung pudar
Lapangkanlah hati-hati ini dengan limpahan iman / keyakinan
dan keindahan bertawakkal kepada-Mu

(Jika engkau mentakdirkan mati),
Maka wafatkanlah pemilik hati-hati ini syahid di jalan-Mu.
Engkaulah sebaik-baik sandaran dan sebaik-baik penolong.

Ya Allah…
Perkenankanlah permintaan ini

Ya Allah,
Restuilah dan sejahterahkanlah junjungan kami Muhammad,
keluarga, dan para sahabat Baginda semuanya


reserve to b read sooner or later

Friday, October 26, 2007
No to IFC, Yes to Dialogue Print E-mail
No to IFC, Yes to Dialogue
IFC is not meant for Interfaith Dialogue

ABIM views with grave concern the call made by the Opposition Leader Mr. Lim Kit Siang at the Parliament on Tuesday urging the government to set up an Interfaith Council. Although the majority of Muslims objected to the earlier proposal to form an Interfaith Commission, a fact that is well known to Mr. Lim himself, he argued that sensitive inter-religious issues will be resolved with the formation of such a council. His view on this matter implies that the IFC is the only means to promote inter-faith dialogue and that the Muslims’ objection to its formation lacks valid justification.
Our objection to the formation of such a body, as well as the reasons why we objected, was well documented. However, constant calls made by the non-Muslim politicians and religious leaders for the formation of such a body on the ground that it will promote inter-religious harmony through dialogue and protect the constitutional rights of the non-Muslims only serve to cast Muslim organizations opposing to such a move in bad light. We therefore reiterate our objections on the following grounds:

• IFC is not a mechanism for Interfaith Dialogue. It is meant to be an institution that promotes a one sided view about religious freedom, which its proponents claimed to be based on “prescribed international norms”, without rooms for disagreements.

• IFC started on a wrong footing. Our representatives who sat on the multi-faith committee which was set up to discuss the formation of an inter-religious council in early 2001 was appalled by the incessant calls by the proponents of the IFC, most of them were members of the Human Rights Committee of the Bar Council, for a review of the constitutional provisions which restrain a Muslim from converting to other religions. Being insensitive to the reservations from the representatives of Muslim organizations, they presented cases on the application for apostasy, which they lost, and urged others to support their call. This confirmed our view that they were not there to hold dialogues but to promote and impose upon others their own view about freedom of religion, especially the right of a Muslim to apostatize.

• IFC is set to interfere with matters internal to one’s religion. It is a seemingly “inter-faith” body with a strong urge to criticize, condemn and make unsolicited recommendations on intra-faith issues beyond juristic competence of its members. This is glaringly evident by the actions of its proponents, including the non-Muslims, who continuously condemned basic tenets of Islam for which they have no competence to do so. Allowing such condemnation to take root in an “inter-faith” body will only do more harm than good in our efforts to promote religious harmony.

• There had been deliberate attempts by the proponents of the IFC to selectively put forth constitutional provisions which seem to be supportive of their view about the unbridled freedom of religion and discard others which are not in their favor in order to substantiate their arguments. And yet, they claimed to uphold the Federal Constitution. In the National Conference Toward the Formation of the Interfaith Commission of Malaysia organized by the Bar Council and a host of other organizations in February 2005, there were heated arguments on why Article 11(4) of the Federal Constitution, which limits the propagation of religious beliefs among those professing the religion of Islam, was not mentioned at all in the draft Bill for the proposed Commission. Despite legitimate claims that the organizers should take Article 11(4) into consideration in drafting the Bill, the general atmosphere of the debate during the conference had been to condemn the Clause 4 of Article 11 for restraining one’s right to unbridled freedom of religion. Although the constitutionality of the draft Bill was seriously questioned, it was finally adopted by the Conference. Now we ask, which Constitution that the proponents of the IFC, including Mr. Lim Kit Siang, are adamant to uphold? To us, this is just an example of “selective constitutionalism” adopted by the proponents of the IFC as a strategy to promote sectional interests.

We call on Mr. Lim Kit Siang to stop making assertion that the IFC is the only mechanism for interfaith dialogue and hold others at ransom to accept such assertion. We also call on the Opposition Leader to take into consideration the views of the majority of the Muslims who are against such a proposal when making statements on the IFC and other related issues. We really want to see that Mr. Lim and his Democratic Action Party truly promote the interests of all Malaysians regardless of race and religion. Reading Mr. Lim’s statement in the Parliament on Tuesday, as well as that of his other colleagues participating in the parliamentary debate on that day, we could not but conclude that the Opposition Leader and his party had not made much progress in this regard.

We believe that meaningful interfaith dialogue could only be held when all parties to the dialogue have sincere intention to promote understanding and harmony among different religious communities. It should not be an avenue for imposition of one’s view over the others or an opportunity to demonize other religions.

Secretary General
Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM)

his journey to Islam......

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
jus a story to be shared.. td explore2 utube with abd alim n then we ended up with this vc. kinda interesting. here i can conclude that Islam have the faith n the proof while other religions do not. the speaker is muallaf, and he's very creative and attractive. well done brO yusuf!!

~luqmanhafizi,1230 am,home sweeeet home~

quds fil khotor : al-aqsa in danger. where's our sensitivity?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

4 d past few weeks, i've attend amanpalestin week in my campus, uiam pj.. n the week was awesome. i've gained knowledges bout palestin, n yet the week nourishes my spirit n sensivity in knowing bout muslims in palestin.. i've discover a lot--4 me( act it is very lil ) bout the quds area, which consists the masjidil aqsa, al-sakhra or formerly known as the dome of rock( i thought this is d real masjidil aqsa earlier), buraq wall(wailing wall) and many other unique features include of arches and some other things that i still in my way to learn bout it. to view another infOs,can refer to youtube or my wordpress blog, or pls visit amanpalestin website : www.amanpalestin.com

penyegar iman di akhir ramadhan~~ from 'apis'

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Artikel ditulis oleh Bro.MuhammadKamal [http://muhammadkamal.wordpress.com/]

Meneladani Sikap Juang Tentera BADAR
Written by Xifu Xx
Sunday, 30 September 2007

Dunia hari ini berbeza dengan dunia yang lalu. Oleh sebab itulah, hari ini bila kita berbicara soal sejarah,belum tentu kita berminat untuk mendengarnya apatah lagi untuk menyelaminya. Lebih dahsyat lagi, bila sejarah Islam semakin dilupakan dari minda masyarakat kita hari ini. Buktinya, ada dikalangan pemimpin kerajaan yang memperkecilkan zaman-zaman kegemilangan Islam yang lampau, sehingga menyatakan pendapatnya bahawa kita tidak perlu lagi untuk menyingkap sejarah-sejarah orang terdahulu akan tetapi kita hendaklah mencipta sejarah yg baru.

Inilah dia contoh golongan orang-orang yang tidak mahu masyarakat mengetahui kebenaran. Maka, tidak hairanlah jika masyarakat hari ini lebih berminat meniru gaya-gaya dan tingkah laku orang barat yang telah lari daripada batasan syara'.Mungkin itulah yang mereka mahu. Mereka takut sekiranya masyarakat celik sejarah. Mereka juga takut jika masyarakat faham Islam. Hasilnya, usaha-usaha segelintir manusia yang iingin bercerita tentang kebenaran Islam hari ini mendapat tentangan dan sekatan. Bibit-bibit penentangan terhadap Islam itu sendiri telah kelihatan walhal mereka juga terdiri dikalangan orang yang menganut agama Islam.

tazkirah ramadhan dr 'apis'

Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Written by Xifu Xx
Tuesday, 25 September 2007


Sambil memerhatikan ayahnya membaiki mainan tersebut, dia terus memberi arahan kepada ayahnya, "Ayah, cuba lihat bahagian sebelah kiri, mungkin di situ kerosakannya." Ayahnya menurutinya, tapi ternyata alat permainannya masih gagal diperbaiki.

Maka dia berkata lagi, "Oh, bukan di situ, mungkin yang sebelah kanan. Cuba ayah tengok di situ pula." Ayahnya menuruti apa yang dikatakan, tapi tetap mainannya itu belum boleh diperbaiki lagi.

"Kalau begitu, cuba yang bahagian depan pula."

Kali ini ayahnya marah, "Sudah! Kalau kamu pandai, mengapa tidak kamu baiki sendiri saja? Jangan ganggu ayah lagi. Ayah banyak kerja lain."

Setelah dia mencuba beberapa saat untuk membaikinya sendiri dan masih belum berhasil, maka akhirnya dia kembali kepada ayahnya sambil merengek. "Tolonglah ayah, saya suka mainan ini, kalau rosak begini bagaimana? Tolong laa..."

Kerana tidak sampai hati mendengar rengekan anaknya, si ayah akhirnya menyerah, "Baiklah, ayah akan membaiki mainanmu asalkan kamu berjanji tidak memberitahu apa yang harus ayah lakukan. Kamu duduk saja dan perhatikan ayah buat."

Ketika ayahnya sedang membaiki mainannya, si anak mula bersuara lagi, "Jangan yang itu, rasanya bukan bahagian itu yang rosak."

Lalu ayahnya membalas, "Kalau kamu komen lagi, kamu baiki sendiri mainan ini." Kerana takut ayahnya akan benar-benar melakukan apa yang dikatakannya, anak itu diam dan duduk melihat saja sehingga mainannya berhasil diperbaiki.

Seperti anak kecil itu, kita juga sering kali berserah kepada Allah SWT tetapi dalam masa yang sama kita masih lagi mahu mengatur Allah bagaimana sebaiknya jalan hidup kita. Bila kita sungguh-sungguh pasrah kepada kehendak Allah SWT, maka nescaya Allah SWT adalah yang Maha Mengetahui dan sangat mencintai kita agar melalukan yang terbaik, lebih dari apa yang kita fikirkan dan doakan, sesuai dengan kehendakNya...

Kita merancang yang terbaik dalam hidup ini, Dia juga punya perancangan yang terbaik untuk hamba-hambaNya. Namun, segala perancanganNya adalah yang terbaik. Dia Mengetahui, sedang kita tidak. Dia Berkuasa sedang kita ini hanya hambaNya yang lemah lagi hina...Maka, sandarkanlah segala sesuatu hanya padaNya...


Friday, July 6, 2007
salam...alhamdulillah, at 1st...masuk uiam...xdpt lg rum8..last2..esoknya, dpt rum8 baik2..beruahb dpt korang~! syukur..

td beli buku..(abes da duet poket aku)..tyme bli buku, sajeje test speaking..em, ...

me : biology one ade?brape yek?
melayuman: ade.
me : how many?
melayuman : 80 ringgit
me ; (x brape jelas..)aaa??
chinesee man : how manyyy???
me : (terkaku jap...) er...erm..how much...
chineseman: hehehehe
me ; i',m traines my english..theeheehee( smbil kegeberan)

...........................huhuhu.......practise makes perfect...that' s what i wanna to say(shame")

hari ini

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

kata2 aluan: (hehehehe)..alhamdulillah, kenyang, br balik makan luar, kak long decide nak belanje kami makan......adter die passed exam final MA die..tahniah tuk kak long...yg uniqnye td, si nabil... dah x thn sgt..smpai puuttt putttt kat meja makan, dlm seluar..then, die pn x pakai sluar dtg balik kt meja makan...abg farid pn amik seluar lain kat dlm keta, kasi nabil balik...

okay, back 2 d main point..d core that i want to tell here..to 'story2' here...today was my 1st car driving test for P license..

morning, 9 a.m, Pusat Memandu Cermat,Beserah(PMC)
i arrived there. then, waiting 4 mr raub to give my card n all d stuffs that is needed in the procedure. eventually, i think i got d last number which is 33.so, i thought that i will be the last one to be test by the tester.

9.45, still kat PMC
i find a seat first...then, SMSing with aidah..
fortunately, mr Raub came to me, and remind, advised, wishing me luck b4 my exam.

"kt depan tu berhentiii tauuuu!!!!" remind him.

me, taking a glare to the spot that he said, then i noticed the spot berhenti at the parking area..then i asked.. "kat situ kena berhenti ke..?"

"kene lah.."

then, i nodded even i was a lil bit puzzled coz seldomly, after parking test, the car must be park at the usual spot, under the tree.

then, i continues smsing with aidah, also talking to some fellas and sisters that sit around me..

All of a sudden,


me : (tersentak, smbil terus masukkan enset dlm poke, br je sms dgn aidah, seraya berjalan ke pondk jPj tu)

JpJ tester : okay, Nurulhuda..kte buat jalan dlu..

me : ok..(aku yg x sempat cuak pn...sbb i'm jolted)

inside d car...i started the first five steps that is required to check 4b someone start his or her journey.( signal, car seat, belt, side mirrors, n etc)..thwn, i started my car..alhamdulillah, d car at the hill, n i managed to move i fluently at first..

in a few SECONDS only, my car meet a corner..yet, i forgot to stop at first....eventually, i failed to stop my car before the white LINE!

JpJ tester : okay..kamu gagal berhenti sebelum line..kamu dah buat kesalahan mandatori nih..sy x boleh nak tolerate mcm nih.sbb ni kesalahan besar.kamu x berhenti bile ade tande berhenti.
me :(oh my goooshhhhhh....astagfirullah) er...sorry ncik..alamak....

Jpj tester : okay, after this, letak balik keta tempat td..then awk leh buat parking ngan bukit...

me : errrrkkk..ok..(ish...nyesallllnyee...)

~~~~~Rumah, 130 petang~~~~~~~

ayah : cmne? lulus x???
kakyi: huda,aaaaa~~...cmne testtt??? lepasss???(aduih,,,x saba2 btul kayi ni....die yg paling byk ansihat aku b4 testt)

~~~~~700 malam~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

kaklong : apsal x lepas?? awakni..mmg slalu senang spt duit kot..abisskan jerkalo kak long..aku kne wat btul2..kene berjaye!..

~~~~~~~~~~9.00 malam~~~~~~~~~~

mak : awk gagal kt ner?

huda: c benti btul..ingtnye giliran lmbt lg..sbb no 33..rp2..die pggl no 2..b4 tu men sms..

mak: tu la..x fokus..tu yg jd gtunyer..mak dah agk awk x confident ngat..

(warggghh..pasniii lulus!fokus!Ya Allah, luluskanlah aku dlm retest after this..n dlm test kelayakn n jpj moto..amiinn)

tazkirah pagi...

Monday, June 4, 2007
Empat perkara menguatkan badan
1. makan daging
2. memakai haruman
3. kerap mandi
4. berpakaian dari kapas
Empat perkara melemahkan badan
1. banyak berkelamin (bersetubu h)
2. selalu cemas
3. banyak minum air ketika makan
4. banyak makan bahan yang masam
Empat perkara menajamkan mata
1. duduk mengadap kiblat
2. bercelak sebelum tidur
3. memandang yang hijau
4. berpakaian bersih
Empat perkara merosakkan mata
1. memandang najis
2. melihat orang dibunuh
3. melihat kemaluan
4. membelakangi kiblat
Empat perkara menajamkan fikiran
1. tidak banyak berbual kosong
2. rajin bersugi (gosok gigi)
3. bercakap dengan orang soleh
4. bergaul dengan para ulama
Tidur terlentang sambil ber fikir
tentang kejadian langit dan
Miring ke sebelah kanan untuk
memudahkan terjaga untuk solat
Miring ke sebelah kiri untuk
mencernakan makanan yang banyak
Menelungkup/ tiarap seperti tidurnya
ahli neraka.

mandu mandu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 31, 2007
apsal kelas mandu skang mahal sangat?????????
kursus KPP pn rm 130 selame 5 jam..kt pusat die je..bukan buat kt hotel 5 bintang pn..aku g kursus upsr kt hotel dlu2 bayar pn rm28 ringgit jerk....kelsa pasni kire cam dah masuk kelas yg ke2nd, td ble aku call nak tetapkan kelas, pakcik tu ckp dah byr bape aku jawab aritu da bayar rm 3o.then die cakap eh mane cukup nnti bwk 200 ye.aku jawab insyaAllah.die keep remind aku."200????? byknye"aku ckp dlm ati je la.kalo total2 tuk dpt P moto keta ni rm 900.giler.banyak gler.same ngan gaji pakcik guard..kalo totaol sume2 rm 1400 aku amik same gaji sebulan kakitgn kerajaan.lagi sian kat org2/kwn2 aku yg duk jauh nu kat muadzam,poland,pekan.belanja die sume2 kalo nak amik lesen kat kuantan ni mau sampai rm2000.bayar kat skolah mandu dlm rm1700.duit makan n sume2 kre total 2000 la. dah la amik manyak masa nak smpai kuantan ni.aku tanya sorang kawan aku,die kata bgn pagi dan bertolak dlm kul 630.fuh..bagusnye korang.xtahan aku bayar byk sgt.lgpn bukan gne duet sendirik.duet makbapak gak.kdg2 bile aku rase bese2 jer, mak aku yg rase kehangatan cekik darah bayaran nak wat lesen.die babble, aku yg denga.wallahu'alam

##x-ray,blaja mandu keta, latihan moto kt track,sahkan sijil ngan penghulu,bayar yuran,bukak akaun bank,amik duit claim,naik moto,prepare borang ngan dokumen,prepare barang#######

HapPy BirtHDay my dear friends....

Thursday, May 24, 2007
Dalilah : happy 17th burfday~! may ur life will full of happiness n HIS blessings..stay cool..pasni bleyh la amik lesen ek...huhu..n..may u managed to put d best score always in matrix,senang2..dtgla umah sy kt ktn ni..dok jauh sgt dah dekat dgn gambang ituh...hihi...thanks 4 all d things u've done 4 me..4 da moment we share..esp, walking together to class from aspuri as the late student..haha..tp, dell lepak je..4 d calmness that u deliver 2 me..hihi...absolutely 4 everything lah~! muahhhhhsss..hihi

QhayyuM: happy 18th burfday my frennn~~~~~!!! may ur life brightier all days..with people around~~! may Allah bless u always n always..may succes also be with you! dun ever dare to 4get me ..haha..ur wholesomeness when people got trying to know yopu can attached them well with you... u're also been invited to come here..to my house..duk umah sorg2 skang ni..mmg bosan ket.....huhu..thanks 4 ur help b4 this...4 d things that u helped me a lot..4 d thigs that i owe you...4 everything my ex-class vice president!muahhhhsss too ..hehe

hm..overconfident? d new black kriss 100

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
bismillah..with d name of Allah..

recently, there was a new bike at home~! modenas kriss 100..! hm..aku x brape reti ngat nk bwk moto ni..tp kne gak brani2 bawak..nnti cmne nak amik test...jalan besar x pnah try lg setakat ni.. 2nd day try..tyme nak parking moto tu..x pasan, tangan pegang handle minyak..then, x sedar terpuals handle tu..abis moto sondol akuarium kat depan..isk3..then, ayh yg pasan mcm ade sumting wrong je..ayh ckp"ha..tula..dah cakap..jgn overconfident sgt.."..huhu

er...."nk wat ape2 pn kene pk ngan moto tu..nak tekan minyak ke..nak brek ke.."..erk lg skali..huhu..mule2 moto smpai umah, ayh wat doa2 selamat..moga moto ni dlm keadaan sihat walafiat seleaps ni..xde org len yg berkeinginan nak moto tu ke...huhu..amiin...moga kami x salah gne moto tu..esp alim...huhuhu..ok..till now then..salamM..

~~moto ayh br beli warne itam..mule2 nak g amik tu ajak amad skali..die suke btul tgk moto br..then, ble kt umah..die tny..
"cikda..cikda..nape warne itam moto tu? x cantekla.."
then,aku jawab.." ye ke x cantik amad? mlm2..cantekk..cbe tgk tu..dah kilat2 kan..warne itam elegan ket..." haha..alhamdulillah.....moga moto ni sentiasa dlm peliharaan Allah selalu..............

First Entry..happy days =)

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Bismillah ..with d name of Allah the most merciful n compassionate..

this is my 1st entry of my new blog..i prefer blogspot as i think i can easily managed it..compare than wordpress...but i'll think i'll used both of it..

1st things 1st..i would like to wish a belated happy mother's day to my beloved majestic angelic mom..angel of my heart.. no one can replace u mom.. u are very strong mom.. taking a deep care for us, nursing us with all ur might form our childhood until we are now bigger ma.. 9 months every of us stay in ur tummy.. 9 months 10 day for everyone.. if the period times with 8 childs that u have, it means...72 months u have pregnant! wow..amazing mom.. i know sumtimes we are soooo lazy to help u doing d house chores.. or sumtymes we are even felt lazy to cook by ourselves..hihi n waiting 4 u cook something 4 luch, dinner or whatsoever..in facts, ur dishes is tastier than ours.. only Allah may repay u righfully back MA..n may u will be granted happiness life ever after.. may u deserved d income 4m what u've done.. thousand apology of what we've done..n.. truly, we love you MOM(n dad also)!


lately, kaklong with her cutey sons decided to stay at our house for a while as her health wasn't in really good condition. Abg Farid was also not here, he was away to Makkah to perform his 1st umrah with his father, leaving kalong, amad, n nabil at home.Nabil was also not feeling well lately, as he got fever n selesema. pity of nabil. i think he started to get fever during d night that i let them(he n amad) playing with laptop to learn ABC(although they had learn it for 100 tymes i think).. n eventually, they got themselves to sleep on the floor(on d carpet) dgn terbungkangye..siannye..aku da tido awal dlu while they grew in xcitement learning the ABC on9 again.. muhammad is a fast-learner, he can now use his small finger to move d cursor when he used laptop after been taught ONCE.. only then he gained trust 4m me to use laptop by himself.. as a bro, i saluted him a bit as he is quite sensible n responsible..hm............nice to have nephews like u all kids...

hmm.......................l8ly also, i'd a small quarrel with my ex-classmate.. i don't really understand him i might say, n i hope the things ended there peacefully. Although i think i am really not d right person to be blame, but i hope everything was over after this. then, when i was thinking bout that matter again, hmmm... i always thought hat was a small matter that unrational to arguing extremely.. i may say that i 'm lil bit stressed out n depressed, but after all, i know there is something beneficial that i can get..mesti ade hikmahnye kan..huuu..let it happens.. um, i think till now then, 'asar pn da masuk.. i really need to improve my english lg. writing skills next time, so if u noticed any mistakes, dun hesitate to comment kay...huhuhu

p /s: i've already got my L license last week..alhamdullilah even it's very late comparing than my friends.. other good news is there'll be a new motorcycle at home! yuuhuuu~! thnaks God. boleyla ronda2 pasni..boley berlatih naik slalu ksi mahir..nnti nk amik test plak..start blaja keta utk P mule selasa ni.. ajak kayi tlg ajar arini..tu pn kalo die sanggup da..get full used of her when she came back home~!hihihi

--this post is almost exactly same with d latest in w/press--

I never guess that i'll can see such wonderful sunset scene like this in Kuantan..

this is illegally grabbed 4m a doc-2-be fotopages..very nice shot bro!